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Amery H F S Major Black Watch Harrow Obit Roll Of Honour Vol 3Bailey J W 2nd Lt Royal Flying Corps Obit Harrow Roll Of Honour Vol 3Baker St J V Captain 11th Lancers Obit Harrow Roll Of Honour Vol 3Barnes E L Captain Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regiment Obit Harrow Roll Of Honour Vol 3Beale C W Lt Royal Sussex Regiment Obit Harrow Roll Of Honour Vol 3Beever W H Captain Rifle Brigade Obit Harrow Memorials Of The Great War Vol IIIBirt W B Captain East Surrey Regiment Obit Harrow Roll Of Honour Vol 3Blackburn G G Captain West Yorkshire Regiment Obit Harrow Roll OfHonour Vol 3Blackwood M H 2nd Lt Seaforth Highlanders Obit Harrow Roll Of Honour Vol 3Bovill E H 2nd Lt 16th London Regiment Obit Harrow Roll Of Honour Vol 3Bovill J E 2nd Lt 6th Dragoon Guards Obit Harrow Roll Of Honour Vol 3Bowker F J Lt Col Hampshire Regiment Obit Harrow Roll Of Honour Vol 3Branfill C L A Captain Glamorgan Yeomanry Obit Harrow Roll Of Honour Vol 3Bromfield-Williams J 2nd Lt Cameron Highlanders Obit Harrow Roll Of Honour Vol 3Browne M B 2nd Lt Notts Derby Regiment Obit Harrow Roll Of Honour Vol 3Burr F G Captain Royal Scots Fusiliers Obit Harrow Roll Of Honour Vol 3Calvert C F H 2nd Lt Royal Engineers Obit Harrow Roll Of Honour Vol 3Campbell R W P Major Royal Garrison Artillery Obit Harrow Roll Of Honour Vol 3Chavasse A R Captain Royal Army Medical Corps Obit Harrow Roll Of Honour Vol 3Childe D F 2nd Lt York Lancs Regiment Obit Harrow Roll Of Honour Vol 3