Matthew M. Lamb Trawler-Hand Arrested For Breaking And Entering 5th Oct 1914Arrested at: North Shields Police Station
The Shields Daily News for 7 October 1914 reports:
Today at North Shields Matthew M Lamb (21), deckhand, minesweeping trawler no. 461, was charged with breaking and entering the house, 73 Tyne Street and stealing therefrom a gramophone, records, and several other artefacts valued in all £4, the property of Emma Cope.
Miss Cope stated that prisoner stayed with her on Friday night last and on the following day she met him in South Shields. On reaching home she found the house had been broken into and she missed the gramophone, records etc.
A neighbour of the last witness deposed to seeing the defendant with other men at Miss Cope’s house. Defendant burst open the door and witness later saw defendant carrying the gramophone. There was no one with him. Defendant was very drunk.
Sergt. Spindler said the defendant replied to the charge when arrested “I don’t know anything about it but I take all responsibility”. Defendant said he was drunk at the time and didn’t remember anything about the offence. Defendant was committed to prison for one month.
Kimdly Shared By Tyne And Wear Archives And Museums.