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Modified 2-Jan-20

Roll Of Honour Of Service J T Smith And J E Jones Ltd ManchesterBradley J L/Cpl 2855 8th Manchester RegimentBritten J Pte 11758 19th Manchester RegimentBrocklesby E Sapper British Red CrossButler L Sergt 11983 19th Manchester RegimentCarberry A A 2nd Lt MC 8th Manchester RegimentCotton W Pte 11778 19th Manchester RegimentCrawford G Pte 404 Royal Engineers (East Lancs)Dawson W Pte 11787 19th Manchester RegimentDicken E Pte 2481 6th Scottish Provinsial BattalionEdwards F PteGlaister B LCpl 1523 7th Manchester RegimentHall W Pte 11825 19th Manchester RegimentHeap T CSM 632 8th Manchester RegimentHolland H Pte 11842 19th Manchester RegimentHorton A Pte 11849 19th Manchester RegimentHoward J Pte 1120 Royal EngineersJones E Pte 11865 19th Manchester RegimentLambert J Pte 11872 19th Manchester RegimentMagee E Pte 11882 19th Manchester Regiment