Vauxhall Victor 152 FLV 1959Vauxhall Victor 152 FLV 1959

Raising Money To Build Sutton Hospital

September 23, 2018  •  Leave a Comment


On 11th July 1931, after months of preparation, a carnival and fete to raise money for the building of Sutton and Cheam Hospital, was held. The day was attended by 22,000 people in Collingwood Road Recreation Ground. It was in bright sunshine that a procession of decorated cars set off from North Cheam and wound through back roads round Cheam and Sutton until it's final stretch down the High Street and Bushey Road to The Recreation Ground in Collingwood Road. This float shows Beauty Queen Miss Pat Louis accompanies by her child attendants.

Sutton Fete 11th July 1931Sutton Fete 11th July 1931The procession of cars set off from North Cheam wound through back roads round Cheam and Sutton until it's final stretch down the High Street and Bushey Road to The Recreation Ground in Collingwood Road. This float shows Beauty Queen Miss Pat Louis accompanies by her child attendants.

Ron & Ernest Webb, pictured below in their garden in Benhill Avenue Sutton,were among the hundreds of people collecting money throughout the day of the fete. The fete continued until midnight with attractions such as steam roundabouts, Punch & Judy, pony rides and swing boats. With the Sutton Red Cross Band providing the music for dancing in the evening the enormously popular day raised £2140 towards the building of the new Sutton and Cheam Hospital.

Ron And Ernest  Webb Sutton Fete 11th July 1931Ron And Ernest Webb Sutton Fete 11th July 1931Ron & Ernest Webb were among the hundreds of people collecting money throughout the day of the fete. This photo was taken in the back garden of their home Sundew in Benhill Avenue, Sutton. The fete continued until midnight with attractions such as steam roundabouts, Punch & Judy, pony rides and swing boats. With the Sutton Red Cross Band providing the music for dancing in the evening the enormously popular day raised £2140 towards the building of the new Sutton and Cheam Hospital.

More photos from the fundraising fete



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